The BIGGEST False Beliefs About Money That Hold Us Back

I struggled for years thinking that debt was wrong, wealthy people are selfish, and that wanting money shouldn’t be something I desired if I was following God.

There are over 2,300 verses about money, wealth, possessions, greed, money mindset, contentment, and investing. This is why I am so passionate about this topic. If God is the maker and creator of all wealth in the world and we are to honor him with our gifts, tithe to our churches, and give generously wouldn’t being better managers of His money kinda be a BIG DEAL? Shouldn’t we know what God actually says about money so we can be better stewards of it?

Tune in to today’s episode as I discover the truth behind money, wealth, and God.


How I Used Real Estate to Pay Off My Debt Instead of Cutting Out My Lattes